Tagged Classics: Hardy Boyz - Leap of Faith & Lita - It Just Feels Right - DVD (2 Disc-Set)





Disc 1

Hardy Boyz: Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith

Similarly Different

It All Start…

Interest Begins

Long Hard Road


Tables, Lita & ChairsNo Fear

Their Favourites

What’s Next?

Special Features
WWE Tag Team Championship
The Acolytes (c) vs. Hardy Boyz
Raw, 5th Juli, 1999

Terri Invitational Tournament
Edge & Christian vs. The Brood
No Mercy, 17th October, 1999

Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz
SummerSlam, 27th August, 2000

Steel Cage Tag Team Championship Match
Edge & Christian (c) vs. Hardy Boyz
Unforgiven, 24th September, 2000

Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz
WrestleMania X-Seven, 01st April, 2001

Intergender Triple Threat Match
Hardy Boyz & Lita vs. Triple H & Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley & Stone Cold Steve Austin
Raw, 09th April, 2001

Hardy Boyz Home Video Collection

Disc 2

Lita: It Just Feels Right
Who is Lita?

Big Break

Lita Teams Up


vs. Stephanie

Bumpy Road

vs. Trish

vs. Chyna

Love & Hate



Bright Future

Hardy Boyz & Lita vs. T&A & Trish
Fully Loaded, 23rd Juli, 2000

Strap Match
Trish Stratus vs. Lita
Raw is War, 24th Juli, 2000

Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz
SmackDown, 31st August, 2000

Lita vs. Jacqueline
Raw is War, 09th October, 2000

Bra & Panties
Lita vs. Trish Stratus
Raw is War, 23rd October, 2000

Hardy Boyz & Lita vs. Dean, Eddie & Terri
Armageddon, 10th December, 2000

vs. Radicalz
SmackDown, 04th January, 2001

vs. Dean Malenko
Raw is War, 19th February, 2001

vs. Molly Holly
Raw is War, 26th February, 2001

Jeff Hardy vs. Big Show
SmackDown, 05th April, 2001

Special Features

Home Vid Clips


I See London

Spring Break

Chef, Girl, Hardyz

Freeze Frame

DVD Review

DVD Review #144 – Tagged Classics: Hardy Boyz – Leap of Faith & Lita – It Just Feels Right


Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Bizzy Dee

Active member
Wenn ich mir die Matches so angucke, kommt es mir so vor, als würde man die Hardys sowie Lita in einem sehr kurzen Zeitraum zeigen, was im Endeffekt dazu beiträgt, das man das Gefühl für deren Status damals nicht bekommt. Ich wüsste jetzt auch nicht, wie die Extras das retten können. Immerhin kann ich nicht erkennen, was für Inhalte diese Doppel-DVD bietet.
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